Going Clear
Courtesy of HBO Documentary Films and Jigsaw Productions
Scientology is a supposed religion, and a topic that is often mocked for its philosophy, demonized for its tactics, and written off for its immobility. What many people are unaware of is that this theoretical religion is actually much more powerful than you would be led to believe. Academy Award winning documentarian Alex Gibney took from the book of the same name, by Pulitzer Prize winning author Lawrence Wright, and assembles many testimonials, which give insight into the cultish enterprise that is Scientology.
A pulp writer, who has written more books than any other person in history, L.Ron Hubbard used his wits to found a religion in the hopes of not paying taxes to the IRS. His efforts would later be taken up by the church's new leader, David Miscavige. The film features footage of Hubbard on his Mediterranean boats, running from his government, as well as testimonials from former members. These testimonials aren't just from past members of the church, who were manipulated and abused by its founder, as well as its new leaders and spokespeople, but the spokespeople themselves. These former leaders in the church have been followed, harassed, and physically threatened for years, sometimes even adding footage of their attackers to this documentary.
The film deals with true testimonials most of the time, but also looks to its celebrity bigshots, including Tom Cruise and John Travolta. While the film isn't always fair to Travolta; if the testimonials are true, he wasn't very fair to his friends who were trying to leave the religion. Seeing their work in the church, and especially Cruise's relationship with Miscavige, it's quite sickening to think that even people with their own forms of power are taken in by what they believe to be a higher power.
For those who already know their stuff on Scientology, this won't tell you anything different. If you're someone who wants to hear the chilling, heart stopping testimonials of people who have been committed to something bigger than themselves, and had it take everything from them; this is the documentary experience you have been looking for.