Finishing "OitNB": What We Learned from Season Three's Finale
Courtesy of Netflix
After feverishly bingeing to finish the third season of Jenji Kohan's critically acclaimed "Orange is the New Black," there are a lot of new questions to be answered. From last season we weren’t sure whether Vee was dead, if Alex would be back at Litchfield this season, or if Rosa got away scot free. All these were answered in the first couple of episodes. We saw the rise of Australian model and DJ Ruby Rose (Stella) gain quick internet fame, a bunch of baby daddy drama from C.O. Bennett, and the privatization of Litchfield. Sitting back, in a refractory period from the season finale, there are a lot of new questions:
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Will Stella be Back?
We see throughout the series that one of the bigger villains of the season is becoming Piper. Almost out of nowhere she stabs Alex in the back at the end of season two, and throughout this season she becomes a crime boss, recruiting Stella in her business. At the finale we see Stella’s chances of getting out going down to nil, and her taking a trip to Seg at Piper’s hands.
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Is Alex Dead?
Throughout the season Alex was convinced that Lolly (Petty) was a plant, sent to kill her after she testified at her former boss’ trial in Chicago. At the finale we saw her and her former associate squared off in the garden shed. We don’t know whether or not Alex will be back, as Prepon was only signed on for this season.
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Is Nicky Nichols Coming Back?
In the beginning of this season Nicky and Boo were trying to get rid of a stash of heroin that they stole from Vee. Though Nicky gave it away to be sold, she kept a little to stare at, and was sent to Max for it. Will Nichols be back next season, wreaking more havoc and smiling wickedly for us?
Will the Rapist Guard Stay on?
Pennsatucky’s backstory became that much more heartbreaking this season, when it was revealed that she had previously been raped, and was again raped in prison. Seriously, something horrible is going to happen to him, right?
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Will Healy and Red Get Together?
This entire season has seen a flirtation between the two, but nothing was resolved in the final moments of the show. Hopefully now that Healy is getting divorced we can get a little action for Red, who had to battle her way back into the kitchen with mixed results.
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Where is Daya’s Baby Going?
Mendez’s mother thinks the baby is dead, and Cesar was left to care for the infant. When DEA arrived they took her child, and who knows where she will end up? This is causing serious concern for me, you guys, mostly because Bennett is nowhere to be found.
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Will Crazy Eyes finally get a Girlfriend?
We see a flirtation in the ending credits, between Warren and a blonde girl, who has seemed pretty cool throughout the season, especially when she encourages Crazy Eyes’ erotic writing through experimentation. Personally I think they make an adorable couple.
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Will So So be Okay?
We saw So So bullied by Norma’s followers in a fitting characterization of religion. Friendless and without options she tried to kill herself in library. In the last moments we see her connect with Poussey, a lonely soul herself, so perhaps there’s a romance blooming there as well.
What Do All Those New Prisoners Mean?
In the very last instances of the finale we saw two new buses of inmates arrive at Litchfield, and the beds turned into bunks. This could mean a lot for the next season, including new, fresh characters, an increase in crime, and a decrease in privacy. Elbow room will probably disappear, not that there was much to begin with.